Object Detection
Object Detection - Video analytics object detection refers to the process of automatically identifying and locating objects within a video ...

Helmet Detection
Video analytics helmet detection refers to the process of using computer vision and machine learning techniques to detect the presence ...

Tamper Detection
Video analytics tamper detection refers to the capability of a video surveillance system to detect and raise an alert when ...

Trespassing Detection
Video analytics trespassing detection refers to the use of advanced computer vision algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to detect and ...

Gesture Recognition
Video analytics gesture recognition is a technology that uses computer vision techniques to analyze and interpret human gestures and movements ...

Emotion Analysis
Video analytics emotion analysis refers to the process of automatically analyzing and understanding the emotional content expressed by individuals in ...

Object Tracking
Video analytics object tracking refers to the process of automatically detecting and tracking objects within a video stream or recording ...

Anomaly Detection
Video analytics anomaly detection refers to the process of using advanced computer vision techniques to analyze video data and identify ...

Event Detection
Video analytics event detection refers to the process of automatically analyzing video footage to identify and classify specific events or ...

Retail Analytics
Video analytics in retail analytics refers to the use of advanced computer vision technologies and data analysis techniques to extract ...

Parking Space Management
Video analytics parking space management refers to the use of video surveillance systems and advanced analytics technologies to monitor and ...

Activity Heatmap
A Video Analytics Activity heatmap is a visual representation of the level of activity or movement within a video surveillance ...

Perimeter Protection
Video analytics perimeter protection refers to the use of advanced video surveillance technology and intelligent algorithms to monitor and secure ...

Queue Management
Video analytics queue management refers to the application of video analytics technology to effectively manage queues or waiting lines in ...

Fall Detection
Video analytics fall detection is a technology that utilizes computer vision and artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically detect and analyze ...